
Are you worried about controlling pest infestations in your home? Learn tips for working with professional pest control specialists.

About Me
Talking About Pest Control Techniques

Hi there, I'm Margery. Welcome to my site about pest control. Cockroaches, house centipedes and ants all make home life a true disaster upon entering the living space. These creatures can crawl through the food and appear above people trying to sleep in their beds. Many people dislike even thinking about the possibility of pests crawling through the walls or under the floors. I will use this site to talk about how professional pest exterminators control the population of these creatures. I hope you can use the information on my site to keep your home pest-free as well. Thanks for visiting.

How To Tell If You Have Bed Bugs

11 April 2018
, Blog

If you wake up in the morning with small, itchy bites on your body, this could be a sign that you have bed bugs in your home. The bites that bed bugs leave are typically in groups and are found on the face, feet, hands, and neck. To identify them, you need to do a thorough bed bug inspection. If you have bed bugs in your home, you will experience these little bites, but there are other signs that you could look for that can also help you determine if you have bed bugs in your home. Read More …

Your Industrial Facility And Pest Control

23 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Running an industrial facility involves many responsibilities, and pest control management may not be one you think of often. However, insects can be tempted by the scent and presence of employee lunches or certain projects, and the warmth of the place may not go unnoticed by small mammals looking to hibernate or hide out during colder months. These pest-related steps can prevent activities or infestations that cause irritation and stress. Read More …

3 Tips For Getting Rid Of Fire Ants

5 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When the weather begins to get warmer, it's likely you'll see many more fire ants in and around your property. This can be one thing you'll want to take care of because fire ants bite and this can be a harrowing experience. It's in your best interest to hire an exterminator to come out to your home to help get rid of these pests. Additionally, knowing some things you can do on your own is sure to be the key to having fewer of these around your home. Read More …

Three Things You Can Do To Treat A Small Bed Bug Problem

26 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a bed bug problem that is in its early stage, you may be able to kill them with a comprehensive approach. If the infestation is in more than one place of your home or it is spread away from a single area of a room such as a bed, you will need a pest control technician. However, you can try the following if you think the problem may be a small one. Read More …

3 Tips For Dealing With House Spiders

16 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Seeing a spider in your home from time to time may be no big deal, but when their numbers start to grow, it's normal to feel a bit freaked out. Spiders not only elicit feelings of fear and anxiety in many people, but some species have aggressive bites that may be dangerous, especially for small children or pets. If you have an out-of-control house-spider situation on your hands, try these three tips: Read More …